Posted in August 2012

The Criterion Files: Days of Heaven

The Criterion Files: Days of Heaven

Well, this has been a long time coming, hasn’t it? I admit that I gave the Criterion Files a bit of a break for a time there, but the good news is that I’m bringing them back again over at Go, See, Talk!, starting with Days of Heaven…and nothing else. That’s right, I’m altering the format … Continue reading

Liebster Award Blogathon!

Liebster Award Blogathon!

Sometimes, people give you a thumbs up. Recently, Andy Buckle over at The Film Emporium did me that honor by name-dropping me in his Liebster Award blogathon post. Over a week has passed since he published his own response to this chain event– I’ll use work, real life, and a mountain of movie reviews as … Continue reading

Go, See, Talk! Review: The Bourne Legacy, 2012, dir. Tony Gilroy

Go, See, Talk! Review: The Bourne Legacy, 2012, dir. Tony Gilroy

The big question The Bourne Legacy must answer: does it successfully restart the franchise and pick up where Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass left off? In a word, no. Tony Gilroy, assuming the role of director for the first time in the series, bungles story, character, and action here in big, unforgivable ways while poor Jeremy Renner struggles gamely against the film’s weaknesses. Continue reading

Review: Beasts of the Southern Wild, dir. Benh Zeitlin

Review: Beasts of the Southern Wild, dir. Benh Zeitlin

It’s appropriate that the greatest feat Benh Zeitlin achieves in his first directorial effort, the deservedly lauded Beasts of the Southern Wild, is balance. Chief among the film’s many thematic thrusts is that of its lead’s internal musings on the interconnected nature of the universe; as seen through the eyes of the precocious Hushpuppy (Quvenzhané Wallis … Continue reading