Tagged with House

The 15 Most Ridiculous Horror Films Of All Time

The 15 Most Ridiculous Horror Films Of All Time

  “Just about everybody likes to be scared, and October is the time of year when we all become horror fans for thirty one dreadfully gleeful days. But not every horror movie is built to be scary. Some of them are totally gonzo pictures that indulge their peculiarities. Some of them are sly comedy commentaries on the … Continue reading

WTH Just Happened?: House

WTH Just Happened?: House

“For all of its oddities, grotesqueries and eccentricities, the single strangest thing about Nobuhiko Obayashi’s House (Hausu) is probably its heritage. How does a legendary studio like Toho commission a film to capitalize on the success of Jawsand wind up with a haunted house flick? Forget the fact that House shares practically zero DNA with … Continue reading