Tagged with bruce campbell

“Bruce Campbell Sends ‘Evil Dead’ Off With a Bloody, Bingeworthy Bang”

“Bruce Campbell Sends ‘Evil Dead’ Off With a Bloody, Bingeworthy Bang”

…oh, come the heck on, of course I set up a talk with Bruce Campbell about the end of Ash vs Evil Dead, who the hell do you think you’re talking to here. This is my second chat with Bruce, following my first, which orbited the show’s second season, while this one is all about the third, … Continue reading

TV Review: Ash vs. Evil Dead, 1.02, “Bait”

TV Review: Ash vs. Evil Dead, 1.02, “Bait”

“After last week’s high-octane masterclass in zombie butt-kicking, Ash vs. Evil Dead has decided to slow down the pace a bit with its second episode. But don’t mistake “Bait” as a sign of post-pilot slumping: the show remains top notch even as it takes a necessary detour on the road to sending the Deadites back … Continue reading

A Half Day of Horror

A Half Day of Horror

“Watching more than one movie in a single day is a tall order. Watching six movies in half that amount of time, then, is as daunting as any Herculean labor. So why, you may ask, did I drag myself out to that beloved repertory shrine of Brookline, the Coolidge Corner Theater, this past Saturday for … Continue reading

Movies That Matter: Introduction

Driving home from work the other day, I plugged my iPod into my tape adapter (you read me right) and slowly cycled through the albums stored on that most ingenious (and simultaneously nefarious) of inventions, painstakingly considering each record in an effort to pick out which album made the most sense as the soundtrack for … Continue reading

Fandango Groovers: Desert Island DVDs

I wake up disoriented and dazed; I open my eyes, and I can hardly see through an aggressive sheen of bright light. As my vision adjusts, I find myself on a white, sandy shore as I stare across water so blue as to be otherworldly. Wind flutters through my hair. The sun beats down on … Continue reading