Tagged with Agent Carter

TV Review: Agent Carter, 2.8, “Valediction”

TV Review: Agent Carter, 2.8, “Valediction”

“To say that “Valediction” doesn’t live up to the best episodes of Agent Carter’s cardinal season is to say that it’s still pretty good television; it’s just not great, which as criticisms go lies somewhere between “observational” and “straight up spoiled.” Maybe Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely shouldn’t have done such wonderful work on the … Continue reading

TV Review: Agent Carter, 1.07, “Snafu”

TV Review: Agent Carter, 1.07, “Snafu”

“Funny, isn’t it, that Agent Carter focuses so much on the quest to retrieve Howard Stark’s bad babies, yet we know so little about them; we don’t know what they are, and with a couple of outside exceptions (a’la Stark’s nitramene formula) we don’t know what they do. In “Snafu,”e though, the babies almost become … Continue reading